
Jean Sharp is driven by a core belief that all children deserve access to high-quality learning opportunities in order to reach their full potential. Her parents instilled both the importance and value of education in their young daughter, and she has dedicated her career to supporting great teaching and learning in the classroom and online.
Jean has chosen education as her life’s work. And, like others who have made a similar choice, she believes with conviction that it is educators’ job—in fact, their responsibility—to support the students they serve and make learning accessible to every individual. While the path, pace, and place for learning may be different, it’s the learning itself that matters. She shares her insights as a regular contributor to the SmartBrief Education Insights column.
As educators navigate this pivotal moment in K-12 education, Jean is convinced that disruptive change will not hold the field back. Rather, it will propel us forward together, across the education community, and we will forge ahead, united in our commitment to improve learning and life outcomes for students.